- Pat M,(2/13/07), I love the Rife 101use it almost every day! Shortly after receiving my machine I started feeling the beginnings of a cold sore coming on. This particular problem is (according to Dr. McClure NIHA bio dentist) on the inside of the tooth with toxins leaking out. Her brother had cancer and does not have it anymore. Some doctors have called this focal dystonia, brought about by overuse or injury to certain muscles, common to athletes, musicians, dancers, etc. SOLD OUT UNTIL FEBRUARY. Thank you and God bless. I am so totally angry with the medical community. Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device. Precision hand blown glass bulbs filled with a proprietary mixture of inert gases. We just purchased our own! We received the new Rife 101 and want to thank you for your diligence and concern. But, being a real estate agent, I needed to communicate. The machine wiped out the pain! Primary care doctor ran more tests, rheumatologist tests were all negative and said it's probably stress. If you have cancer, you may be willing to try anything that you think could cure your disease. - C. Rocque, MO (4/5/14), My husband keeps bees and he had a huge reaction to some stings. Just before starting the machine, I got back my test results on my adrenal cortisol levels. He is a walking miracle from what the family has told me. We have downloaded your info sheets and started reading your book. Able to turn over, not stooped over, Feeling overall well. I know that a lot of people are skeptical of the rife machine and what it can do to help you. The gum above that tooth has been sensitive ever since, so probably got infected during the repair. Rick Simpson oil is a cannabis extract with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. I have run several programs including insomnia even though I don't suffer from insomnia but do awaken each night briefly. (Rife 101 user since November 2011) K Dunning, WY, My mom was having a lot of pain in her left ankle and foot. - Dawn, FL, I'm doing well! He was going to give me Rife 101 frequency sessions Pro Bono! This Bladder Cancer recovery success story is shared by our Spooky2 user Barry Novis. But that doesn't make the Rife Model 101 less impressive. I've had black spots on my forearms from too much sun exposure for quite some time - they said it was melanoma. Liver is shrunk back to normal size. (free of charge of course) When she first visited she had a pic line in her neck and weighed 90 pounds. My health continued to get worse and I lost my business, my house and myself due to the intense loss of quality of life I experienced! To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. Now, she additionally had developed a raging yeast infection with copious leucorrhoea, had severe mood and energy swings, and craved sweets. MCL is very rare, and, there's no cure. In the meantime, thank you so much. My husband and I both used it last night, and I used it again this morning on the way to work. - V. Miller, MI (5-4-18). Lets hear it for the Rife 101 are we surprised? I purchased because I was experiencing a severe attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Carter M. (2008). - B. Guillot, AL 10-27-17, Hello, Tina Rappaport. I knew the treatment was working. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Eczema: I broke my ankle 4 years ago - they thought it was related to Hashimoto's Disease (thyroid). Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with Practitioner, Mark Winkler. - KM, NY (5-17-18). Now I have the energy to enjoy life again. - Barbara. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog, Parvo, Near Death: Oh what a cute German Shepherd puppy Rocky was! WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. Thank you for this wonderful unit. - Louise J. I decided to check out the RIFE machines about two years ago, and found URparamount and the Rife 101 on the net. It has helped the swelling and edema in my feet and legs so much. Of course he has had to change his eating habits etc. (2009). My decision was to try alternatives other than chemo therapy and surgery. Thanks for listening. One of the most dramatic recoveries was a bunion at the base of my right great toe which had become quite painful no matter how wide a shoe I bought. Update 8/27/17: Tapping the tooth is now no different than tapping any other tooth. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. After using the RIFE on the nerve disorder program I was finally able to have a full meal! He said it's the machine Mom. The pain had gotten so bad, that my wife had to rub BenGay on it 3-4 times a day. Jake Daniels has a Bachelors in Business Administration Degree from SHSU in Texas with an entrepreneurial background. I am sure that the only reason that I am alive is because of this machine. None. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. This machine (along with some herbs) helped tremendously!! - R Sommers, KS (9-10-19). We are long-time users, but this year I used it for anxiety, bronchial pneumonia. He treated me 3 more times before my husband and I decided to invest in our own. She also recently had a facelift and had to use a special oil on her skin. He was told not to remove the cast under any circumstances and that the surgeon from the Mayo Clinic would call him. Until the results are proven, people should avoid this alternative cancer. In these tests, the validity was zero because I do not have any of the 72 conditions and consistency was zero because no condition listed in either scan was found in the other scan. It wouldn't heal and he had C.diff colitis (also called Clostridium difficile, C. difficile or C. diff) an infection and inflammation in the colon caused by an overgrowth of this bad bacteria. Give the 72 minutes and the fact that I am treating in my liver, lymph nodes and lung, I realized that the amount of toxins produced would be very high. Although her liver seems enlarged, her liver enzymes are completely normal - the doctors can't understand - "she should be yellow!". I have been told also that I need a hip replacement. Wonderful machine. (April 2014) I've been meaning to send you a line, Tina. I'm thrilled with it. As for my wife, she had two carcinoma cancer spots on her back. And theres no research that suggests they work. And still feel great! There is no evidence that Rife machines can treat cancer or any other disease. Sorry to be such a pest with all my questions, but you seem so knowledgeable and I appreciate your suggestions. He was a mental health counselor and Rife practitioner. Recently I borrowed someone's Rife 101 machine and ran the gall bladder and liver programs. I told her about the Rife 101 machine but didnt tell my doctor. The healing still continues, but hopefully not as slow as before. I saw stars and at first thought I broke my wrist. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. - Vera, IL (5/8/13), I am so grateful how swiftly you were in replying. Thank you so much! Thank you for all of your help. Ran it again in the morning. Am a successful Kidney transplant patient of years; but tried to find ANY help before going on dialysis- to no avail. At the hospital, that day, they couldn't decide if the stroke was a bleeder or a blood clot. Blood tests show that I have antibodies for Lyme but I do not have the disease! It always works. Rife invented several optical microscopes, which he believed could visualize the auras of living microbes, including viruses that no other microscopes at the time could detect. It's also helping with detox. While trying to sleep I would regularly get horrible leg cramps. They were visiting me (the Rife 101 owner) and my friend said, "if that machine is so great, put it on her and get rid of the herpes" so I did. I was as good as new! I couldn't accept this. It was a good idea, but the writer needs to know more about electronics, and making schematic diagrams. Sebastien Mercier has been using Spooky2 Rife to treat his Lyme disease for the past 5 years. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Goats Streptococcus Infection for Mastitis: Used Streptococcus Infection (#395) for mastitis sores with good results. Very Pleased - Stephen, AK, My Dad and I were curious about the effectiveness of the Rife 101 Machine so we decided to buy one about one year ago. Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies. Cold Sores, Warts, Infection, Flu, Fever, Colds, Burns, Prostate + MORE: I have to admit that the Rife 101 machine is the bestI've owned it for over 15 months now! I used the instrument almost everyday. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. Also the Rife manual is an equally awesome production. - T. Verway (via D. Boyer), OH (12-10-15), I have had my machine for several months now and enjoy the many good results I have been getting. URparamount health includes rife machines Portable Ionizer Sticks Needak Rebounder trampoline Air Ionizer and more. Then we found the Rife 101 immediately it was working. - A. Mitchell, HI (2-13-16. In addition to the vast list of over 2,400 programs already available with TrueRife, we are adding new programs supporting everyday aches, pains, mood, memory, attention span, itching, athleticism, and more. I bought it to treat my Lyme's disease and have had 100% success. In the 1920s, Scientific American magazine formed a committee to investigate Abrams claims about radionics. WebA rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a great feature. You're awesome! The machine produced very low energy waves, also known as radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. - Dean, My friend, Linda, has borrowed my Rife 101 for detoxification and loves it. Then in February 2017 I developed terrible eczema on my legs and arms. I know when I need it because I get pains in my breast. I ran the Rife 101 and I knew it was working because it caused a breakout. Yay! I also use the cancer frequency on a painful lump on my forehead, which became smaller and then disappeared! Acupuncture, massage therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga may be helpful to treat symptoms related to cancer and side effects due to cancer treatments. sold on Rife. I have optic nerve damage, a cataract and droozen, which are yellow spots on the retina. The blisters came and got worse not better, the war was on and I kept using the machine. Within two weeks of treatment on my own machine, my pain was completely gone. Its a terrible thing to have, also to treat. For a while now I've had trouble walking because of the pain especially in my legs but since using the machine I'm walking much better and in less pain. I now save almost $125 a month from this condition alone. This was a first. I have seen how much good it has done with friends and family. In 1997, a man died four months after he started using a Rife machine instead of chemotherapy to treat his cancer. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. I don't know how it does it, but it fixes everything! We have battled the acne and it has been a sorrow for my one twin who was on acutane and had one battle at age 14. But that doesn't make the Rife Model 101 less impressive. (owner of TWO Rife 101 units) - A. Mitchell, HI (2/13/16), Just wanted to drop you a note to express how much we appreciate your time and effort to be sure we understood and appreciated our purchase. I also used the blood type diet (D'Adamo), and chigong (101 Miracles of Natural Healing, Chan). To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. Support. I have arthritis so very bad that I have been using a cane and sometimes a walker. I'm 77 now and I had fungal sinusitis, recurring bronchial problems - I got pneumonia real easy. Thank you Tina Rappaport for your research and the Rife 101 machine. I started using the Rife machine on the headache program #260 and very soon no headaches. In June I started using the Rife 101 everyday through the end of September. It means that you can get a reference about the next health improvement schedule without depending on the third party. I used to get frequent distressing headaches, ruining many planned activities. She seemingly had strep throat - pus filled tonsils, couldn't swallow, very painful, felt awful and she couldn't get to a doctor right away. Over the years, it has become one if my most prized possessions! ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog, Cancer & Hip Problems: We just found out our dog BODY (boe-dy) has cancer (age 12). Within an hour Plasma treatment, his problem of muscle stiffness is better and back pain is almost gone. I had sinus problems for years, took expensive drugs that did no good. Radionics relies on the belief that elements in the body give off electrical impulses with different frequencies. People who are interested in alternative treatment methods for cancer should speak with their doctor first to discuss their options. I thought I would let you know how I am doing using the rife machine. He felt nothing happened immediately and left the office with good energy but very skeptical. After two Rife machine treatments at twice weekly intervals he reported that he was symptom-free. Because the hospital did not have any suggestions regarding treatment of the stroke he contacted me early in November. - Beverly H. I have been diagnosed as Glaucoma suspect (I am 51), my eye pressures are high at L-26 and R-30 (normal range is 8mm=21mm). He got a great experience from using spooky2. The bite areas weren't so wet any longer. EXAMPLE OF SEARCH TERMS (in no particular order): cancer, tumor, melanoma, carcinoma, leukemia, weight loss, lymph, lupus, detox, joint, pain, The technology is from a greater mind - Royal Rife's and succeeding generations. That's when I got my machine. I had to have shots directly into my neck every few months just to be able to speak coherently. So grateful we found you on the web. My only hesitation in giving the Rife 101 full credit is that, for a day or two (and not overnight) I put a tight wrap around that elbow. (NW, 6/2015), I feel a significant difference using your custom program #100. It even works for hangovers :-) - B. Fetzer, Mexico 6-18-18. I feel sure that the machine is working for me. I had never felt so disconnected from society. But when it comes to food poisoning, like salmonella, you actually feel it work within 10 minutes or so of the routine. This is the best investment I have ever made. The American Cancer Society soon debunked their claims with a published study. - David, I did Detoxification (#197) for the first 2 days and then did my first PTSD/depression/anxiety treatment at a 1 minute setting. - T. Fincher, AR (11-10-11), Lyme takes over your life. He also has leukemia and he's on oral chemo (pill) once a day. All your information and the manual makes it so easy and clear. My husband went thru hell 6 weeks of chemo & 7 weeks of radiation on the lung7 more weeks of radiation on the throatand in between all this he did his cancer treatment on the Rife 101 machine. I did not really focus on them, though I did use the headaches setting sometimes. I hope to start tomorrow. I will be/am familiarizing myself with the machine tonight. I kept running the 'wound' and 'pain' programs. Shirley, TX, I had a painful strep infection in my larynx. I'm in an assisted living facility. - Name Withheld, PA 6-10-17), My husband has prostate trouble, so he noticed that besides the prostate program there is the bladder program too and he's been using that now. Learn More About Spooky2 Rife Machine Success Stories and Testimonials. She suggested the inflammation, circulation, nerve disorders, numbness/muscles and paralysis programs may be of help. He used the automated frequency sequence of the conditions list for this affliction and 1 hour later the pain was reduced to a dull ache. I had a blood clot in my leg and my leg swelled up - used the Rife 101 and that swelling went right down and the clot went away! I was visiting California, and I was feeling terrible! However, this is only part of the explanation for cancer causing agents. - L. Obaid, NY (9-9-20), My sugar level has come down. All my friends are buying them now because I don't want to lend mine out so much! Hi, I'm Betty Farnholtz's daughter. 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