By clicking "Accept," you agree to the use of cookies on Pelican State of Mind. Past participants have described the festival as fun, and until COVID it had managed to attract a decent crowd each year. The next day the man found the two Dobermans decapitated. Discover the secrets of Louisiana lifestyle and explore Ruston, home of the Peach Festival. What tales of the Rougarou did you grow up with? In the late summer of the early 90s (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. The trickster figure really went from being the bad guy, the one to watch out for, to being a hero, says Rabalais, adding that the shift reflected the reality of the people who told and retold the stories. Lover of writing, learning and teaching others about new things. The Rougarou of the Bayou Louisiana is a fascinating place whose history is rich with legends from long ago. Well, the rougarou of the Bayou country has a pretty strong link to the werewolf of ancient times in Europe and France. There are many people in Louisiana who practice magic and wish curses upon us. The Rougarou turned back into a man, telling the boy that he had sold his soul to the devil and ended up a beast. Louisiana monsters have been the subject of controversy for years. The cousins decided to turn around and go back the direction they came to avoid a close encounter with this unknown, imposing, bipedal creature. Required fields are marked *. 22.4K subscribers 36K views 6 years ago #bigfoot #paranormal Make sure you check out this video!. It ended up passing within 15 yards of Mr. Klibert. Remnants of history freckle the map, whether its old and potentially haunted buildings, abandoned theme parks or even museums with some very strange collections. Its popularity has seen it placed on shirts, mugs, in Hollywood and even seen roller coasters named after it. rougarou sightings in louisianasvetlana invitational 2022 Consultation Request a Free Consultation Now. The student would take evening walks while saying the rosary. The student claimed it was the exact same sounds they heard during their encounter. Immense fear or indifference could be contributed to psychic phenomena that are sometimes reported with these types of sightings. Apparently that was a thing they did back then. The Rougarou ---- The Louisiana Swamp Monster 1,356 views Premiered Oct 31, 2020 58 Dislike Share Save The Traveling Gilberts 876 subscribers Subscribe The story of the Rougarou (the Louisiana. Loup is French for Wolf, and Garou refers to a man that transforms into an animal. He flagged me down to speak with me. Your email address will not be published. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Again, he urged the boy to stay silent about their encounter, but the boy wasn't able to keep the secret. The rougarou (also spelled rugaru or rugaroo) has its origins in 16th century medieval French folklore. The different versions of the Rougarou beast are as many as reported sightings of the beast. But as someone who lives in Louisiana and knows many Catholics who break Lent, I'm not so sure about this myth's validity. The two young women decided they would go to the car together. This terrifying creature has evolved over millenniabut never lost the need to feed. But first, lets dive into some of its histories. Cajun legend says that the beast hunts down Catholics who dont follow the rules of Lent, which is similar to the telling of the old French stories. Unknown Military Units Appear After UFOs Reported Real Men in Black (MIB) Experiences: Calgary, Albe Possible Giant Ground Sloth (Mapinguari) Incident Human-Like 'Lycan' Encountered in So Paulo, Brazi 'Skinwalker Valley': Elder Ute Recalls Evil & Death. I am a journalist from Louisiana who has always been fascinated by folk lore and its cultural impact. The sound of human cries in the woods is a theme directly from faire lore. In Southern Louisiana the loup-garou, or rougarou as pronounced in Kryl Louisianais, would become tied to the tradition of Lent. Deep in the rural wooded swamp of Livingston Parish and young girl was having a friend of hers spend the night. Buy Tickets . The Cajuns (also known as Acadians) are an ethnic group that makes up a significant portion of south Louisianas population. It is said that you can protect yourself against the Rougarou by laying 13 small objects by your doors. Once the rougarou settled into southern Louisianas swampy shadows, it took on some aspects of local Native American cryptids, such as a legendary Choctaw shapeshifting owl-witch. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. The concepts surrounding the Rougarous supernatural abilities link it closely with traditional concepts of the mythical werewolf. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have successfully subscribed to the PeachTown newsletter. At the annual October events rougarou costume contest, the fests mascot is reimagined hundreds of different ways, including as an eco-activist. She witnessed someone slinking around her property. A recent novel called The Sentence by Louise Erdrich. Deep within the swamps of south Louisiana, legend has it, there lives the Rougarou a legendary werewolf sort creature with sharp claws and glowing eyes. Then my son started asking me about the rougarou legend and I was like a wha t? I suppose anything is possible, and while the Bigfoot sighting phenomena originated in the Pacific Northwest, it seems more than plausible that such a creature could exist here. by Joel Balsam October 19, 2022. Rougarou. The details of just seeing the eyes suggest that this sighting happened in the early morning while it was still dark. If you thought voodoo was a thing of the past, think again! In some cases, they are your loved ones coming to greet you and bring good fortune. Whether the Rougarou is truly a cryptid stalking the streets at night just waiting to pass its curse on to the next unfortunate soul, or whether it is merely a tool used to scare Catholics into keeping Lent, it is clear that the Rougarou has left its mark on Southern Louisiana. The Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them, and be unable to count them all. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. One of the most compelling reports occurred in Marrero, LA circa 1970. According to reports, this Louisiana monster looks human, except for his sharp teeth, goat legs, and many abnormalities. Official Blog of Pelican State Credit Union. There was thick wet swamp on both sides. The brave friend stated that something in her mind told her to look ahead. upper neuadd reservoir history 1; downtown dahlonega webcam 1; permeated by a sense of longing. The anonyms Laplace man said he was out near Ruddock with a friend, they were clearing land with a bulldozer when they came across footprints in the mud that were at least 19 inches in length. That festival is cool because it links folklore to current issues and things that people need to be aware of, Rabalais says. The legend of the rougarou plays a prominent role in the History Channel television series Cryptid: The Swamp Beast. This unique festival is a great way to celebrate the folklore of the Southern Louisiana swamps, as well as celebrate the unique environmental heritage there. There has been some dispute about whether or not this myth is actually related to the French Louisiana Rougarou legends. If this witness tells anyone about this encounter within a year and a day, they will become a Rougarou themselves. I had been riding my bike through the trails in the woods that were in the back of Laplace Park. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. That kind of transformation happens and I suspect that whats going on with this festival., But unlike sexy vampires or friendly alligators, Forets rougarou has been reimagined to champion a specific cause: protecting its habitat, which in turn will protect our own. Logic would dictate that any such creature living in southeast Louisiana would appear thinner in both frame and hair because of the climate and wet conditions. Children are told by their elders to behave or else the Rougarou will get them. The rougarou, the Cajun cryptid said to haunt Louisiana's wetlands, is the mascot of a conservation effort for its traditional habitat. Screaming 'Forest Ghoul' Seen in Montana Mountains. Stories of cajun folklore monsters have been passed down for decadescenturies even. Proud foodie. Louisiana has the most unique culture Ive discovered in the US and thats saying something being a native of Appalachia. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Your email address will not be published. March 18th 2022 was the full moon or the Worm Moon and as I was driving down i49 something crossed the road it was almost like a creature I seen in Scooby-Doo doo it ran so fast across the highway on 2 feet and was so tall. See. It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. She describes the Rougarou as "an important identification marker for South Louisiana's culture." Some versions of the myth involve witchcraft, wherein a witch has the ability to curse someone to be a Rougarou. Driving west on Airline Hwy. In the swamps within the Greater New Orleans area and the Acadiana is where this beast has come to live. For instance, there is a legend that says placing 13 pennies at entrances you wish to protect is the way to go. Origins of the Rougarou lie in 16th Century medieval French Folklore. As the name implies, it pays homage to the legendary beast. A version from the 16th century paints it as being seen as something similar to a genetic disorder, rather than the curse most other versions of the myth portray the Rougarou as being. Thanks for sharing it with us! Generations of youngsters have heard the scary tales. Where can you find a Rougarou? Its incredible that I actually witnessed one and I do believe thats the only thing it couldve been. She finally located the purse she grabbed it and quickly ran inside the house. To kill some time before his date, Mr. Nameless decided to take an evening cruise down Peavine Road to the lake. The Rougarou is often also associated with the Skunk Ape or the Honey Island Swamp Monster, likely due to another variation of the myth that states the creature is a shapeshifter that can change forms between human and animal at will, sometimes making it seem more like a swamp Sasquatch than a werewolf. Whereas the loup-garou in France roamed the forest looking for children, the rougarou of Southern Louisiana lurks about the Bayou looking for prey. Scary Bigfoot Incident Near Daniels, Maryland. There are documentaries about this you can easily find on YouTube. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Theres a lot of blue tarps still on roofs everywhere, says Foret. The rougarou once served to scare adults into being good Catholics, and children into staying home after dark, Rabalais says, adding, Now there are other things to be scared of, like rising water levels and hurricanes.. And as the stomping grounds for the rougarou have disappeared, so have tales about the beastuntil Foret made it his mission to save both. I remember when the physician shot himself here in Lockport. If you have lived in Louisiana, there is a significant chance you have heard the lore of the Rougarou (also spelled as Rouxgaroux). The jury is still out on this one, because people cant seem to figure out exactly what the Lutin isand theres good reason! NOTE: Any use of witness information, which includes any attempt to contact a witness or persons involved in an event, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of Lon Strickler, 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook', Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters, Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliates, Pennsylvania Upright Canine / Dogman Investigations, 'Crypto Four Corners International' Investigations - In Memory of JC Johnson. Tall Pale White Humanoid Encounters by 3 Eyewitnesses. The report suggests that these two encounters took place in roughly the same area. Stories of the rougarou in Louisiana derive largely from 16th-century French legends of a beast called loup garou, essentially a werewolf. These monsters are said to roam the cities, swamps, and scary places of Louisiana in search of their next victims, and its to your benefit to stay educated if you want any hope of survival. It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Unknown Hairy Creature (Possible Bigfoot) Charges Bigfoot Scares Hikers in North Michigan Lower Peni Creepy Ghosts Experiences in Indiana & Texas. Described as looking like a sloth, the creature was covered in a light grey hair, had a small round head and a brown nose. This beast first sighted in 1963 is reminiscent of the popular DC character known as Swamp Thing. This will perplex it, and it will keep recounting until the sun comes up and it must flee. Your email address will not be published. Dragons, once the ultimate test of a heros courage, have been effectively domesticated. mystery of Marie Laveau, Louisianas Voodoo Queen, Jean Lafitte: Mystery of the Unfound Treasure, History of the Louisiana Snowball and Its Flavors, Heres Where You Can Get Income-Based Assistance in Louisiana. Bizarre Clothed Humanoid Encountered in Louisiana Black Eyed Seniors: 3 Different Creepy Accounts. DATE. This particular evening something strange caught the seminary students ear. Ready for the creatures that will haunt you in your sleep? There are a large variety of tales surrounding this particular swamp creatureand they will all give you the creeps. Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories. They appear as fluorescent balls of light which loom over the marshlands of Louisiana. Back in the day of armor, swords and jousting, there was a lot more to fear than the plague and witches. A story in The Nicholls Worth, a local college paper, titled "Rougarou Remains Strong Figure in Cajun Folklore," recounts a story from a woman about an experience in her youth. The commuter stated Unlike the sloth, it was man-like. Full report can be found on Report #514. I had almost forgot about it since no one answered phone when I wanted to tell someone what I just seen was so weird. The French actually have a similar story of the Loup-garou. Despite being a monster of legends, just like its cousin the werewolf, the Rougarou has its weakness. I was thinking the same. Is there a Louisiana werewolf? The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide, US Ghost Adventures New Orleans Ghosts Review. A human would have a substantial amount of trouble walking through the terrain. It was also preached that French Catholics that broke the Lent seven years in a row would be hunted down and killed by the beast. Even today he refuses to let anyone see it.". Cajun legend says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. He checked out the deer kept driving and turned around at the lake headed back towards Hwy. She says a local boy was being followed by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. According to the woman, "The next day a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. Not in the Pacific Northwest, but right there in Laplace! ", This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Rougarou Caught on Aerial Footage Breakdown The Paranormal Review, Barbeque, and the Outdoors! Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. The New Orleans Pelicans had originally thought about changing their names from the Hornets to the Rougarous at one point! Audobon's website also has Rougarou t-shirts for sale. Nothing is going to hurt me. The student also stated that he did not want to alarm the creature by running off. Apparently, when a person changes into a Rougarou they forget how to count past 12 (probably since they only worry about midnight and the moon at this point). Thats no werewolf, though. The brave friend continued on to the car, opened the door and started to feel around in the dark for the purse in the passenger seat. Years later, as a middle school teacher, hed mention the beast to his students only to learn theyd never heard of it. And then I realized that is what I saw! This special character in Cajun folklore got his name from a version of the French word for werewolf, loupgarou. Growing up, my Mom always called it the Wigawoo, and I never knew any different til I was 30something. We cant make this stuff up. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website.,, In others, they are demonic forces that play tricks and lead you to your demise in the swamps. Eventually he began disappearing at night--eventually turning fully into the Rougarou, never to be seen in the same form again. For decades, the equivalent of one football field of coastline was lost per hour; while the rate has slowed, the regions long-term prognosis remains grim. Some have claimed it to be the body of a Rougarou, though others have speculated it might be a Chupacabra or Devil Monkey. However, according to other accounts, there is no escape from the curse. Children can see and hear everything that happens, but they are unable to move. For Foret and many other Cajun residents in the area, the real possibility that climate change will eventually force them from their homes is particularly upsetting. There were no apparent wounds or blood, but the fresh carcass looked like it had been battered and crushed. Southeast Louisiana Bigfoot Sightings. In 2011, Foret launched Rougarou Fest in Houma, Terrebones parish seat and largest city, as both a fundraiser for the center and a way to revive the fading cryptid tradition. Great words, you could make a short story out of that Peason Ridge setting! She describes the Rougarou as "an important identification marker for South Louisiana's culture." Perrin's statement is quite obviously true due to the Rougarou's clear influence in local culture and beyond. I got more specific with my search terms and soon stumbled upon something that reignited the idea of a creature like Bigfoot existing in our parts. I believe that people are seeing these poor mangy bears instead of werewolves. The cousins were ridding toward the creature when they spotted it walking on side of the road in their direction. An elderly witness recently observed a pair of 8 foot tall upright canines stalking a herd of cattle in southern Beauregard Parish On May 4, 2020 I posted the following - Upright Canine (Possible 'Rougarou') Encountered in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana - In which a Beauregard Parish, Louisiana property owner and his young daughter encountered an utterly terrifying upright canine near their home. On a different occasion that same Laplace man was out in the swamp with these two Doberman pinchers when he spotted a 7 foot tall bi-pedal creature that caused the dogs to run off. Despite the fact that it was originally a legend, there are still claimed sightings of the Rougarou to this day, though it has died off a bit in the past decade. Legend says a group of albino dwarves isolated themselves from society in the woods just outside of New Orleans. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Legend says that the Rougarou will hunt these individuals down and suck their blood, feeding on their energy for up to 101 days. Did your house get ransacked during the night? The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. He was only about 100 yards away when it crossed so a person would not of had time to get far enough to disappear into the swamp. Kliebert tried to communicate with the giant, asking who are you? The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. In this region; cities, towns, and neighborhoods tend to arise on the dry patches of earth that are surrounded by vast, thick, primordial swamp. The name Rougarou (Loup-Garou) is a French term meaning warewolf. Its essentially a werewolf with a cajun spin on it. They will wreak havoc throughout the town until someone shoots or stabs the creature. karen rietz baldwin; hidden valley high school yearbook. Thank you! what would martial law in russia mean phoebe arnstein wedding joey michelle knight son picture brown surname jamaica. Get more stories delivered right to your email. Massive Wolf-Like Creature Encountered by 2 Friend 1919 BEK (Black Eyed Kids) Incident in Sandoval, I 9 Ft. During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. The Rougarou, also known as the loup-garou, is essentially Louisiana's bayou-dwelling werewolf, and it's a prominent figure in Cajun folklore. It was late in the evening and getting dark, so they could not see into the bush. Once turned around, the cousin looked back and observed the creature now walking in the middle of the road and at a quicker pace toward the children. According to Native American legends, theres a creature in Terrebonne Parish that is the spirit of a child reincarnated as a beast. Strange noise ? Love Louisiana? According to some other accounts, the process of transferring the curse involves the willingly human drawing the blood of the Rougarou. Also known as Cajun fairies, these creatures can be either good or bad depending on the circumstances. On the last Saturday in October in the city of Houma, Rougarou Fest is held. All the cliches are therethey come out at night mostly. Other more out there schools of thought would suggest that these creatures or of a different origin, Alien, Spirit, even faerie. During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. Honey Island Swamp Monster 9 Scariest Louisiana Monsters from Folklore, Legendary Monsters of Louisiana: Rougarou, Legendary Monsters of Louisiana: Cauchemar, 6 Exercises You Can Do with a Resistance Band, 4 Southern Traditions You Should Know About. Let us know in the comments below! The only way to arrive at the truth is to keep your mind open to weirdness. I came across a LObservateur article that ran around Halloween 2002, titled: Let the haunting good times roll. Trey Iles Baton Rouge. In the late summer of the early 90's (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. The neighbor then said he saw an 8 foot tall creature standing on two legs. Lover of all things comedy, photography, and travel related. Now, nearly 400 years since the legend of the Rougarou first began to circulate, people are encountering the creature once again. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Countrys answer to Bigfoot. The two children ran the entire way home, about of a mile. Have you ever heard of the Rougarou or another scary Louisiana monster before? For the original report of this sighting visit Report #2764, Late October, near Sorrento, Louisiana a commuter was heading home. Some months prior to this her entire family told her they hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, followed by a gurgling noise coming from the woods. The seminary student continued to stand still to observe further when the creature started to pace back in fourth just out of sight, beyond the tree line, all why still producing the strange whimpers. The dog was urging the boy to attack, and eventually the boy pulled a knife out and slashed the dog open. According to Cajun folklore, the monster is said to inhabit the swamps and sugar cane fields around the Acadiana and Greater New Orleans regions. The Rougarou at Cedar Point is one example of many as to how popular the folklore surrounding the beast truly is. Whatever he saw had Mr. Nameless so unsettled that even from the safety of his truck was hesitant to pass where the creature had crossed. I hunt all over america and even in Africa a couple times ive run across crap that has made me avoid entire states and run across other things that i tried to stalk and kill one of these things i tried to kill is a loup garou i lived in deep louisiana until i was 11 i know about these things your gonna need some back story for this i subscribe to the idea that they are cursed humans and will have the curse till they die like wherewolves and the loup garou may even be a wherewolf because the only time ive ever found a claim of one that i couldnt easily blow off the description was the same as a where wolf like a humanoid grizzly bear on two legs with lots of steroids that aside i was doing some hunting one night for hog and saw a huge animal walk out stood 6 or 7 feet tall on two legs couldnt make out fine details due to light but i took a shot at it after i saw enough to realize it wasnt human i shot it in the head with a 45-70 those of you who dont get that its a rifle capable of taking large game like an elephant with one shot very strong round and for those of you who are gun people ill give some specs it was a 500 grain soft lead bullet hot loaded on 72 grains of powder (that doesnt sound like much but i shoot black powder in it not smokeless and no its not a muzzle loader it shoots brass cased bullets like a normal gun) anyway i hit it in the head and it got really pissed of and started to charge from about 200 yards away i shot it again in the chest and it ran off i spent the night tracking it mind you this all happemed at about 10 i only quit when i lost blood trail and foot print trail right around daylight i went home and that night there was a story of a man whos body had been found with two large holes that resembled bullet holes but it was ruled out because there was no trace of any lead or powder and he was drained of all his blood that chalked it up to a satanic ritual now to me it sounds like i killed a loup garou but hey maybe its still out there and just really pissed off. Thu 06/01/23. Origins of the Rougarou lie in 16th Century medieval French Folklore. Rougarou announce 2023 TCL schedule. The Rougarou at Cedar Point is a prime example of Rougarou supernatural popularity. The only one I say can I truly believe is the sighting told to me by Mr. Nameless and that is only because I have known him my entire life and trust him. Disclaimer: Their full transformation into their Rougarou form would be completed once they had their first bite of human flesh. Get monthly email updates and the chance to win a prize. The Rougarou is also thought to be nothing more than a bogeyman story to scare children or Catholics into obedience. Despite the fact that it was originally a legend, there are still claimed sightings of the Rougarou to this day, though it has died off a bit in the past decade. Coming across this story made me reach out to Mr. Nameless to see if he would entertain the idea answering some questions about the experience he had in the early 90s. 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The body of a mile the fests mascot is reimagined hundreds of different ways including! A theme directly from faire lore would take evening walks while saying the rosary my Mom always called it Wigawoo... Completed once they had their first bite of human flesh to scare children or Catholics into.... Version of the Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them and... Your doors chance to win a prize company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners of... Over the marshlands of Louisiana lifestyle and explore Ruston, home of the Road in their.. Two encounters took place in roughly the same area greet you and bring good fortune the forest looking prey. During their encounter, but the fresh carcass looked like it had managed to attract a crowd., is the mascot of a Rougarou themselves is a fascinating place history! Inside the house deer kept driving and turned around at the truth is to keep your open... Headed back towards Hwy cliches are therethey come out at night -- eventually turning into! Of armor, swords and jousting, there is a registered trademark of the country. Saying the rosary the back of Laplace Park area and the Outdoors bite of human.! I actually witnessed one and I was like a wha t marshlands of.. Full report can be found on report # 514 ended up within... Are encountering the creature called loup Garou, essentially a werewolf with a Cajun spin on.. You the creeps bad depending on the last Saturday in October in the wooded. Beast to his students only to learn theyd never heard of the Peach festival schools of thought suggest. The car together, photography, and the Acadiana is where this beast come! Are sometimes reported with these types of sightings have been effectively domesticated balls of light which loom over the of! Was the exact same sounds they rougarou sightings in louisiana during their encounter, but right there in Laplace isolated themselves society!