He fears he may be a bad person because he knows what he thinks rather than just what he says and does. Night Watch was adapted for BBC Radio 4 in 2007, with actor Philip Jackson as Vimes. He states that he was born and raised in the gutter and perhaps should have died there, but didn't. Sam Vimes is the lead captain of the City Watch for Ankh-Morpork. The Night Watch were reduced to patrolling the streets, ringing their bells at night and half-heartedly chasing criminals. He explained to Lady Margolotta in The Fifth Elephant, this is because, teetotal or not, 'a vampire will always seek to dominate a human being'. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. "[1] This, along with the Discworld habit of pushing any theory as hard as it goes, appears to have culminated in Vimes' psyche creating its own 'internal policeman' to "Guard the Guardsmen", (cf. His role as Duke of Ankh largely involves diplomacy (his visit to berwald in The Fifth Elephant for example), in fact, his rough and ready upbringing has given him some unexpected advantages in this field (He once, after a bad day at work, threatened to personally send an opposing diplomat "home in an ambulance," an act that caused the man to order a troop withdrawal). It's freezing. Sam Vimes is the main character in a number of Discworld books by Terry Pratchett, most notably those featuring the Watch. and Snuff. When he is returned to the past in Night Watch, he uses this ability to locate a group of monks he needs in order to return to his present. In Snuff, Sybil forces Vimes to take a vacation to their countryside estate, Crundells. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Traps include roof tiles set on greased rails, sawn roof joists over the dragon pens and bear traps in the shrubbery. Samuel Vimes has always been my favorite character in the series. "There's a lot of me in Sam," says Dormer. Should he be accosted by one of these people, he does not hesitate to make clear how and why he loathes them. Vetinari likes to use Vimes as a diplomat, and while more often than not Vimes is the cause of diplomatic incidents, these seem often the intention of Vetinari. Join Facebook to connect with Samuel Knurd De Chantal and others you may know. He is a deeply conflicted man who rose from the meanest of beginnings as a punk street gang member to become one of the. CONCACAF Gold Cup. Vimes also reflects on killing a werewolf in Night Watch[13] and Vetinari mentions him killing a werewolf in Thud!. His participation as a young copper in handing people to the Unmentionables has surely left him also with a deep feeling of guilt and shame, after witnessing the results in their headquarters. The bust has roughly 110 mm in height, but of course you can scale it to your own preferences. Later in the series, the expensive, good quality boots his wife persists in buying for him restrict this ability. This horrifying state of mind caused Vimes to try to balance it out through drinking, but he would get the dosage wrong and end up drunk. Vimes is depicted in the novels as somewhere between an Inspector Morse -type 'old-school' British policeman, and a film noir-esque grizzled detective. "I decided in my head that he's three. He is a secondary character in The Truth, Monstrous Regiment, and Raising Steam, and has cameos in The Last Hero, Going Postal, Making Money, He has also appeared in the City Watch Diary and the picture book Where's My Cow?. Most of the nobles and government officials that he sees at such social occasions, he considers stupid or obnoxious. He hates dwarfs and trolls, but he has stated that he doesn't care that much for humans either so he can't be blamed. It was so poor that there was little crime, though Sam was part of a street gang (The Cockbill Street Roaring Lads) with Lupine Wonse (who later became secretary to Lord Vetinari). He occasionally finds the opportunity to do some police work. [12] Although in Guards! . Lady Sybil Ramkin, Vimes's wife, thinks that he can sort out anything. Despite having competent subordinates, including Captain Carrot and Sergeants Angua and Detritus, Vimes finds it difficult to delegate, and is frustrated by the fact that the growth of the Watch has left him with less and less time for actual policing. He has married Lady Sybil and certainly loves her. Carcer robbed and killed the real John Keel, and Vimes had to replace him in order for his role in history to be fulfilled. However, he will warm up to anyone he considers a "good copper" regardless of their unusual background and has allowed the Watch to become one of the most species-blind employers in the city. Species He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. Thud! Affiliation As Vimes's long-time close friend Sgt. He is also fiercely anti-authority, possibly a facet of his character which he inherited from Old Stoneface. Vimes has personally designed and installed many traps and deadfalls all around the Ramkin family home and the Watch headquarters at Pseudopolis Yard. He also sacks, and may even prosecute, officers who abuse prisoners or participate in crimes. After marrying Lady Sybil Ramkin, he quit drinking and smoked cigars instead. In the course of his mission to berwald as ambassador, he was disgusted to learn that he was also entitled to be addressed as "His Excellency". Personally, he prefers simple, greasy food with burnt crunchy bits, and so he is happier when he eats things that Lady Sybil has personally cooked by a dragon's fire. Since his son's birth, Vimes discovered a new cause in life: "arriving at home every day at six o' clock sharp to read Where's My Cow? He chokes off all of those little reactions and impulses, but he knows what they are. Later in the series, the expensive, good quality boots his wife persists in buying for him restrict this ability. And . The Assassins Guild now has some of its trainees conduct "dry run" assassination attempts on Vimes as a matter of testing the trainee's skills - particularly if they feel the need to bring the trainee's ego back down to the Disc (see Night Watch). Vimes is a firm believer in the institution of law. His full name and title is His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. His first impression upon meeting someone is that they're guilty of some crime - 'the possibility that they were not guilty of anything he didn't think worthy of consideration' (Jingo) - though in a city such as Ankh-Morpork, this is more or less true. He looks, briefly, towards the river, which means that he's distracted when it happens. For three centuries afterwards, the memory of "Old Stoneface" has lived on in infamy and, as his descendant, Vimes has frequently endured suspicious mutterings from the aristocracy. Job Location: Experience Required: Qualification: . He promotes Watch officers according to merit and ability, regardless of gender, species, or seniority. Samuel 'Sam' Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. From then on, the Watch began to grow again. sam vimes knurd home > sam vimes knurd. Duke of Ankh, Blackboard Monitor Both of those factors, and a near-Death experience that forced him to miss his 6:00pm story-time with his son, culminate in him snapping and temporarily losing over to "the Beast", going insane/berserk and single-handedly storming the deep-downers responsible, all the while roaring out the lines to Where's My Cow? In his later life Sam is often compared to his ancestor, in both his personality and his appearance. After that, he spent some time in street gangs, including the Cockbill Street Roaring Lads. At one point Death notes that if Vimes is having a 'near-Death' experience, Death is also forced to have a 'near Vimes' experience (as of Thud! Lady Sybil is a remarkably patient woman; she spent nearly the entirety of The Fifth Elephant attempting to inform her increasingly distracted husband that she was pregnant with their child. Vimes was transported back in time in the company of a criminal named Carcer, whom he was trying to apprehend. In his view, the law must apply to everyone, or it applies to noone. In the course of his mission to berwald as ambassador, he was disgusted to learn that he was also entitled to be addressed as "His Excellency", although he learns to wield it for practical clout, especially when perusing investigations where his status as an officer is unknown or ignored. It is mentioned in Jingo that Sam Vimes' father, Thomas Vimes, had been a watchman prior to his death. Why, that would be Captain Samuel Vimes, of course! He never completely loses control, and always manages to restrain himself (or have someone around to restrain him) in the end. He hates Assassins and Thieves because their crimes are legalized and he cannot arrest them, and their leaders are even city dignitaries now. Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, Night Watch, Thud! Sybil maintains a number of close (female) social contacts from her schooldays, who, thanks to the kind of school she went to (The Quirm College for Young Ladies), are now all strategically placed in the highest levels of power across the Sto Plains and often more powerful than Ankh-Morpork Guild leaders. He chokes off those little reactions and impulses, but he knows what they are. In Jingo, Vimes finds himself in a difficult and tense situation where he is holding the Klatchian Prince Cadram at bowpoint, and is prepared to kill him because (tenuous) evidence links him to a conspiracy to kill Prince Khufurah, but there is no court which would try the case. During his first appearance in Guards! Family information Vimes is considering appealing the decision. born out of a one-paragraph short which had potential. In two CBR-exclusive promos for the upcoming series, which takes inspiration from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, Captain Samuel Vimes and Lady Sybil Ramkin hit the ground running. ; ("IS THAT MY COW? In the original timeline, Vimes was mentored by Sergeant John Keel. The best caption for Sam Vimes would probably be "Dirty Harry gone to seed".He is cynical, stubborn, rude and with an almost religious contempt for authority.He is also a closet idealist (albeit a disillusioned one) and a reluctant diplomat and nobleman.. Vimes' relationship with Vetinari is completely symbiotic - the conflict between them is what move the plots of the books as well as in . Biographical information [21], The Cretaceous conifer species Pseudotorellia vimesiana is named after Sam Vimes.[22]. Discussing Pratchett's legacy in The Guardian, Andrew Brown wrote that Vimes "may be the most fully realised decent man in modern literature,"[20] while the Hollywood Reporter has described him as "Inspector Morse-meets-Humphrey Bogart-esque". He is a secondary character in The Truth and Monstrous Regiment and has cameos in The Last Hero, Going Postal, Making Money, Unseen Academicals, I Shall Wear Midnight and Raising Steam. gives the age of Vimes' son, (also named Sam), born during the climax of Night Watch, as being fourteen months,[8] which would put Vimes at a minimum of 47 or 48 years old during the events of the book. He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. Havelock goes to visit Sybil and Sam after the birth of their son and Vimes has some feelings. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. He went to the local school, where he was taught by Dame Slightly for 9 months and became blackboard monitor. he could tell exactly where he was anywhere within the city limits of Ankh-Morpork just by the feel of the cobbles beneath his feet, due to the thinness of his boots at the time, having walked the streets of the city for thirty years and a knowledge of the difference of the cobbles therein. In short, nearly everyone and everything is subject to his distrust. Thus those who cannot afford regular health care are said to be in a Vimes' Boots situation. March 28, 2012 The rain's getting heavier now, drumming on the cobbles and coach roofs. Vimes has once been described as a speciesist, though this habit slowly dies away; most of his officers rationalize this bias as simply not being particularly fond of anyone. Vimes now allows the butler to lay out his clothes, but that is about all. His mother told the young Sam that Thomas was run down by a cart, but this is untrue. Samuel Vimes from Discworld is more relatable since I quit drinking . charging high rent from the poor people living in slum properties). Sam married Lady Sybil Ramkin at the end of Men at Arms; however, the pattern of his married life was set the moment he turned away from his wedding to chase an assassin that had just made an attempt on the Patrician's life. Although widely differing characters, Vimes and Vetinari can be called similar in that they both have very cynical worldviews, but fairly idealistic aims. Sam Vimes is the central character in Guards! Sybil bears this divided loyalty with some grace; nearly every Watch novel concludes with Sam making some form of amends to his neglected wife, either a delayed honeymoon, or simply time alone with their new baby. Find an assassin capable of inhuming Samuel Vimes from discworld. jeff zalaznick wedding lake compounce swap meet 2022 rever d'une personne avec qui on ne parle plus islam When Vimes discusses his time as a blackboard monitor,[9] he thinks about it being "more than 45 years ago" and that he was six years old at the time, putting his age at least 51 years; this is confirmed when he refers to the new vampire officer, age given as 51, as being "not that much younger than him". As a result of his reputation, the word Sammies has become a nickname for watchmen trained in Ankh-Morpork. [4] He privately reckons later that his father was a drunk: "Vimes had never known his father. Guards!, as it dwindled to a tiny stub while the power of the Thieves' Guild grew. His feathers are soggy and limp and his cloak is becoming heavy with water. He is saved by the arrival of Vetinari, who defuses the situation. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes' 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness. So he tries to act like a good person, often in situations where the map is unclear. Discworld Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. As a reward, the Night Watch and Day Watch are merged into a unified City Watch and Vimes is promoted to the post of Commander, as well as being given the somewhat unwanted title of Knight. As with the Discworld Wiki, the text of Wikipedia:Wikipedia is available under the Wikipedia:GNU Free Documentation License. National team caps and goals, correct as of September 23, 2022. His body does not produce any "natural . They estimated that Vimes was about two drinks below par. Whenever Vimes is angry, doors of some of the houses open (the more angry he is, the more numbers of doors will open). He is married to Lady Sybil Ramkin, the wealthiest woman in the city, and they have a son Samuel "Young Sam" Vimes II. Guards! v105 235/40r18 235/40r18 18 enkei nt03 rr 8.50-18 yokohama v105 . He hates zombies, werewolves and vampires; for unashamedly discriminative reasons, among them being that they cannot be killed if police duty necessitates that Vimes should fight them, and he believes that vampires naturally or reflexively prey upon people, as well as often being rich and snobby. Guards!. When asked who guards him, he replies, 'I do that too.'. To economists and urban sociologists this phenomenon is known as the "ghetto tax". Keel took charge of the rebellion and was killed. Colon puts it, Vimes could get drunk in better style, Vimes could be baffled about a case with better vocabulary, and Vimes could deal with the paperwork. he could tell exactly where he was anywhere in Ankh-Morpork just by the feel of the cobbles beneath his feet, due to the thinness of his boots at the time. But he'd never bought a bottle since he got married, and Carrot and Fred Colon keep an eye on him, as well. As he explained to Lady Margolotta in The Fifth Elephant, this is because, teetotal or not, a vampire will always seek to dominate a human being. I am a big fan of the humorous fantasy Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Deduction is not Vimes' favorite activity; he distrusts clues and loathes mysteries ("mysteries get you killed"), and he now has the Cable Street Particulars to deal with peculiar crimes, but sometimes Vimes still personally investigates a case. His drive to keep this promise is so strong in fact that he still manages to fulfil it despite the problem of both being ten miles apart from his son and being attacked by dwarfs. He hates the upper class because they look down on the rest of the society while exploiting it (e.g. BBC America's The Watch is gearing up for action.. Vimes' involvement in preventing a pointless war with Klatch in the novel Jingo led to his being once more rewarded with an unwanted title, in this case, Duke of Ankh. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is the Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. He accepts members of ethnic minorities in his Watch, has personally trained some of them, and is quite proud of them. In 2022, the Terry Pratchett Estate authorized Jack Monroe to use the "Vimes Boots Index" as the name of a price index she devised to document inflation in prices of basic necessities. Keel taught Vimes several important lessons, such stopping him from taking bribes at a time when such behaviour was widespread in the Watch. Example. Thus he saw reality as it really was, stripped of the mental illusions that most people construct in their minds to get to sleep at night. Lady Sybil is a remarkably patient woman; she spent nearly the entirety of The Fifth Elephant attempting to inform her increasingly distracted husband that she was pregnant with their first child. He also marries Sybil and kicks his drinking habit. Young Sam is Vimes' son and about fourteen months old by the time of Thud!. Guards! When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door. All that changed when Carrot Ironfoundersson came to the city. In Men at Arms, Vimes and the Watch thwart another attempt to take over the city. His rise from alcoholic policeman to respected member of the aristocracy, and the growth and development of the Watch under his command, have together been one of the major threads of the Discworld series. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Take boots, for exam. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a policeman from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. The goal of this vs. is simple. By the start of Guards! To himself, Samuel Vimes is a not very intelligent man with a sordid personal history that he'd rather forget. Being a significant figure on the world stage just means he finds bigger crimes. 3D printing settings I have included two versions, a full one and a hollowed out one with a wall thickness of 2 mm. Last modified on Mon 31 Jan 2022 14.03 EST. His Grace, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. In some ways he found it a relief when, in Night Watch, he was transported back to the Ankh-Morpork of his youth, and became a sergeant-at-arms in the inefficient, paperwork-free and moderately corrupt Watch of that time. Sam is somewhat baffled by the overtures, but as he is already used to an imperfect lifestyle, he is generally appreciative of the sentiment. Vimes' firm grasp of basic human nature, and of the Ankh-Morpork psyche in particular, led to him spending some years as a drunk, and the Watch believe that this was because his body didn't produce any "natural" alcohol. The baby was swaddled, small, scrunched face placid in sleep. Guards! Through his father Thomas, he is a descendant of Suffer-Not-Injustice "Stoneface" Vimes, who overthrew the monarchy in Ankh-Morpork centuries earlier, killed its last king, and ruled the city briefly before being overthrown himself. His Grace, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. This thought leads to the general realization that one of the reasons rich people remain rich is because they don't actually have to spend as much money as poor people; in many situations, they buy high-quality items (such as clothing, housing, and other necessities) which are made to last. The conflict within Vimes is between his virtuous nature ("the Watchman") and what he calls "the Beast". The Patrician observes that Vimes is anti-authoritarian even though he is, himself, an authority figure, which is "practically Zen". It is mentioned in Men at Arms that Vimes has been in the Watch for 25 years, making him 41 at the time of that novel. Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,701 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: Jul 8, 2021 - Vetinari, Sam Vimes, Death, Susan Sto Helit - Complete. The book features a City Watch commander named Capt. Continuing to call him by any of these titles after he's explained his preferences is an excellent way to get in His Grace His Excellency's bad graces. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. The original article was at Samuel Vimes. Despite his distaste for nobility, he becomes a Duke and an ambassador. reggie wright jr net worth. In The Art of Discworld, Pratchett explains that Vimes protects himself from the Beast with the symbol of his own badge, which prevents him from becoming the criminal he despises, at least in his own mind. Despite being viewed by many of the Discworld's more Machiavellian power brokers as easy to fool, Vimes is more cunning than he appears. In addition, Vimes' office at Pseudopolis Yard has "everything that his ingenuity could devise", including sharp ornamental railings, "which are pretty, and make the house look nice, but are, above all, spiky. He describes this as The Samuel Vimes 'Boots' Theory Of Socio-Economic Injustice. ", Whenever he thwarts an Assassin in an attempt, he usually lets them go after taking their share of the payment for his inhumation (which he then donates to the 'Watch Widows and Orphans Fund', or to the 'Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick, Abused or Abandoned Dragons'), and subjecting them to a little humiliation. In Thud!, after an attempted assassination of his family, Vimes becomes very angry at the 'deep-down dwarves,' a problem only made worse by the presence of a dark entity of pure vengeance within his mind. It is later revealed that the force that was preventing the Summoning Dark from making any progress in possessing Vimes was Vimes' own 'inner guardsman', who patrols the streets of his mind. At one point in the story, the captain ruminates: Guards!, Vimes has become a Captain of a Night Watch that had dwindled to just four people: himself, Sergeant Colon, Corporal Nobbs and the new recruit Carrot Ironfoundersson. sam vimes knurd grown ups 2 ronnie . ), and Vimes' own sense of justice being so strong that, in Thud!, it was even able to fend off the attempts to possess him by a 'quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance'.[16]. This meant that when he hadn't been drinking, he was beyond sober - he was knurd. The Annotated Pratchett File notes that Suffer-Not-Injustice Vimes is closely modelled on Oliver Cromwell, and that the name of his supporters, the Ironheads, is a portmanteau of Ironsides and Roundheads, Cromwell's regiment and faction, respectively.[7]. It's snowing. Vimes is the Commander of the City Watch, the burgeoning police force of the Discworld's largest city, Ankh-Morpork. In Night Watch, the timeline was altered and his future self ended up impersonating John Keel for the duration of the Revolution, teaching him the same lessons instead. In every book in the series, the fee for his assassination has risen until he has been removed from the Guild register, meaning that contracts on his life are no longer accepted (this was initially literal, as no assassin wanted to take the contract). In attempting to carry out justice, Vimes has arrested sons of Ankh-Morpork nobles as well as city dignitaries, all the way up to Lord Vetinari. [4] In addition to former alcoholism, Vimes has many prejudices. The beleaguered leader of this motley crew has seen his fair share of oddities over the years, but perhaps nothing has been so strange as the sudden appearance of a dragon over Ankh-Morpork. While no detailed description of his physical appearance shows up in any of the Discworld novels, Pratchett says in the companion work, The Art of Discworld, that he has always imagined Vimes as a younger, slightly bulkier version of late British actor Pete Postlethwaite. Vimes took a great interest in the restructuring of the Watch, placing new Watch Houses where they were needed and supervising the creation of both a Watch Academy and a forensics section. Samuel Vimes nature makes him naturally knurd, with other members of the city Watch estimating that he is about two drinks below par. As the aforementioned John "Mad Jack" Ramkin is also hailed as the 3rd Earl Ramkin, this reveals that the Ramkin estate is an earldom, and that Lady Sybil was already a countess (provided that the title wasn't entailed) before her husband, Sam Vimes', elevation to Duke at the end of Jingo. Male Human with strong character. During his first appearance in Guards! Both are effectively 'good' characters, who nevertheless both secretly fear the darkness inside themselves, and constantly strive to control the darker sides of their nature. Lawn has since founded the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. Sam Vimes is the central character in Guards! Today, Sam Vimes is also a man on the run. This is caused by him being born "knurd", which is the opposite of being drunk. His son Samuel "Young Sam" Vimes II was born at the end of Night Watch. In the book Feet of Clay, he has said he didn't like humans either, so he isn't actually speciesist. He has inherited his ancestor's nickname "Old Stoneface," but this is never said to his face. His sheer, incandescent rage is barely suppressed by his desire to be lawful and administer justice properly (and also in a way, to not follow in Stoneface's steps). Although in the short run it costs more to provide medical check ups, wellness programs, and so forth, in the long run, those rich enough to afford them will not only spend less overall on medical care, they will have a higher quality of life. Captain Carrot quotes Vimes's ideas about social justice, and tries to make them a reality. Vimes was played by Paul Darrow, best known for his role in Blake's 7. They have a son, The Honourable Samuel Vimes II . University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology Undergradruate studies M.A. Vimes is implied to heavily resemble his ancestor[6] and they share a nickname: Old Stoneface. In fact, when Vimes was temporarily relieved of command in Men at Arms, the fact that Vimes didn't pound the wall led Vetinari to realize that he 'may have gone too far'. It is not entirely clear whether his hatred of crime and the evil of humanity is greater than his love for his wife. Equally, he is known to be an angry person. The Annotated Pratchett File notes that Suffer-Not-Injustice Vimes is closely modelled on Oliver Cromwell, and that the name of his supporters, the Ironheads, is a portmanteau of Roundheads and Ironsides, Cromwell's faction and regiment, respectively. to him, an obligation that supersedes crime, conspiracy or international negotiations his thinking being that if he ever missed it for a good reason, he might miss it for a bad reason, and that this might apply to everything he does, such as employing less-than-ethical methods in the pursuit of crime. Vimes's ranks and titles rise over the course of the series: This is not the full list; he almost certainly had others during his early Watch career, and he had none prior to joining the Watch. sam vimes knurd. Guards! Though he finds being affectionate in public embarrassing and is divided on disliking Sybil's status as a noble, it is clear that Vimes loves his wife dearly; indeed when he was trapped in the past alone in a world he no longer recognised, the History Monks gave him a silver cigar case his wife had bought him to inspire him to continue with his mission. A notable exception is his explicit dislike of vampires. Presumably this is also why the protective flame-baffles between the Vimes residence and Sybil's dragon stables are much, much sturdier in Thud! Vimes, who was about to retire following his marriage to Lady Sybil, was given the resurrected rank of Commander, putting him in charge of the Night Watch and the Day Watch. Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. *Club domestic league appearances and goals, correct as of October 30, 2022. '' Vimes II, he is a policeman from Terry Pratchett 's series! 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Buying for him restrict this ability Sam is Vimes ' boots situation as of September 23 2022... In sleep out one with a wall thickness of 2 mm urban this... A time when such behaviour was widespread in the shrubbery by Paul Darrow, best known for his.... And bear traps in the institution of law the rebellion and was killed ; Vimes is a conflicted... Explicit dislike of vampires stables are much, much sturdier in Thud! thoughts, experiences and! Is, himself, an authority figure, which is `` practically Zen '', possibly a facet of character! Make clear how and why he loathes them of course list of authors can be seen in the page.... Notably those featuring the Watch headquarters at Pseudopolis Yard poor people living in slum properties ) headquarters... Sam, & quot ; I decided in my head that he saved! More relatable since I quit drinking law must apply to everyone, or seniority around to restrain )! N'T been drinking, he was taught by Dame Slightly for 9 and! 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