402, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lublin Landsmanshaft in Paris (50th Anniversary, 1929-1979), Lubliner Ehrlich Branch 392, Workmen's Circle and Ladies Club aka Lubliner Young Men's Branch 392, Lubliner Young Men's Branch 248, Workmen's Circle, Lubliner Young Men's, Branch 392, Workmen's Circle; Lubliner Ladies Club 392; Lubliner Ehrlich Branch 392. Rifke Katlerow Lodge # 4, I.O.A.I. Zetl), Byelorussia, the group established an old-age fund, a loan fund, and a Hevrah Kadisha (burial society) for members. (Philadelphia), Independent Wlotzlawker Young Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Zetler Young Men's Benevolent Association, International Labor Protective Association, Isachar Widows and Orphans Benevolent Society, Isidore Goldenberg Benevolent Association, Jaroslauer Congregation Kranken Unt. Related Materials: Series I: Records of the Landsmanshaftn Fraternal Division, Series II: Landsmanshaftn Department Post-World War II Records. Preferred Citation: There is also some information about immigration, lists of individual donors, details about supplies sent and needed, various activities undertaken by the LD, JDC and the. Founded in New York in 1904 by immigrants from Dyatlovo (Pol. Independent Orler Benevolent Society, Inc. For additional details, see Rosaline Schwartz and Susan Milamed, A Guide to YIVO's Landsmanshaftn Archive (New York: YIVO, 1986), available in the Genealogy The Landsmanshaftn Department of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (LD) was originally organized as a department of the JDC, known as the Landsmanshaftn Bureau, in 1919 in New York. Independent Keidenover Benevolent Association, Inc. of Brooklyn. The activity of landsmanshaftn, particularly that of the Vilna Refugee Committee, is represented through the materials contained in Series VII. Branch 75, Workmen's Circle, Dvinsker Young Men Branch 96, Workmen's Circle. ; Independent Rifke Kotlerow Sick & Benevolent Association, Inc. Rivke Family Verband and Marinker Descendants, The, Rochester, NY Branch 27, Workmen's Circle & Ladies Auxialiary, Rossover-Krilivitzer Beneficial Association (Philadelphia) and Ladies Auxiliary, Rostover Handwerker Unt. First Kalnibloder Benevolent Society, Inc. First Klevaner Sick and Benevolent Society, First Klimontover Sick Benevolent Society, First Komarover Benevolent Society/Erste Komorover Unt. Organization: Boxes 1-19 arranged alpha. Examples: Bogopoler Unt. Verein, Witebsker (Vitebsk) "Bund" Branch 224, Workmen's Circle, Wolkovisker Rayoner Branch 100, Workmen's Circle, Wolkovisker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Wolkowinitzer-Podolier Aid Society and Ladies Group, Wolochisker Benevolent Association; Wolochisker Relief Committee; Wolochisker Ladies Auxiliary, Woloziner Young Men's Benevolent Association. Kings County Progressive Benevolent Society, Inc. Kipiler Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kishinever Relief and Charity Society; also Kishinever Talmud Torah, Inc, Kleczawer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kletzker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kolbuszower Young Men's Benevolent Society, Koniner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Konopter Young Men's Benevolent Association, Korsoner Verein of Philadelphia, Ladies Auxiliary, Kosice and Vicinity Chapter 59, Bnai Zion, Kossuth Association of New York, Inc. [Hungary], Kovler Voliner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kreitzburger Jacobstadter Benevolent Association, Kremenitzer Wolyner Benevolent Association, Kremenitz-Ouiezd Relief Committee (Chicago), Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshe Polin, Krivozer Fraternal Society of Greater New York, Kropotkin Literary Society Branch 413, Workmen's Circle, Krushnievitzer Progressive Branch 611, Workmen's Circle, Kutner Rayoner Branch 221, Workmen's Circle, Labor Lyceum Association & Workmen's Circle Branches 173 & 258 of Greater Omaha, Nebraska, Labor Zionist Alliance (aka Jewish National Workers Alliance), Ladies Auxiliary of the Homler Shul Ahavas Chesed, Ladies Auxiliary, Ostrovtzer Indep. Verein, Young Petofi Sick & Benevolent Society; Petofi Society of NY, Young Seekers of Friendship Benevolent Society, Yunover Young Men's Benevolent Association, Zamechover Progressive Benevolent Association, Zamoscher Beneficial Association; Zamoscha Progressive Y.M.B.S. Independent Society Sons of Abraham, Inc. 1; and United Radomysler Relief, Radziviller-Woliner Benevolent Association, Rashkover Tiraspolier Association; Rashkover Tiraspolier Social Association, Rashkower Progressive Association (Philadelphia), Ray Heit Chapter of the Kittever Ladies Relief Auxiliary, Reading Bible of Rabbi Yankev Kopel of Tarnopol & Bilkamien, Reuben Guskin Babroisker Branch 206 Workmen's Circle, Rivke Family Verband and Marinker Descendants, Rossover-Krilivitzer Beneficial Association (Philadelphia) and Ladies Auxiliary, Rostover Handwerker Unt. Assoc. More info below. First Independent Storoznetzer Bukowiner Sick and Benevolent Association, First Independent Weislitzer Young Men's Sick & Benevolent Society, First Klevaner Sick and Benevolent Society, First Klimontover Sick Benevolent Society, First Komarover Benevolent Society/Erste Komorover Unt. First Piusker Benevolent Association, Inc. First Pogrebisht Benevolent Society, Inc. First Poltaver Brotherhood Aid Association, First Povolotcher Sick Benevolent Association. Landsmanshaftn Mutual Aid Societies Description Portrait of members of the the Independent Zetler Young Men's Benevolent Association. Verein (Newark, Erste Bershader Ladies Kranken Unt. First Prager Independent Association, Inc. First Prailer Sick Benevolent Association, First Pressburger Sick and Benevolent Society, First Probuzna Sick and Benevolent Society, First Radomer Congregation, Chebra Agudas Achim Anshei Radom, First Radymnoer Congregation Bnai Mordchai Menachem, First Roznow Galician Sick Benevolent Society, First Sadagurer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Shepetovker Young Men's Association, First Sokoroner Dr. Braunstein Progressive Society, First Solotwiner Sick & Benevolent Society, First Soroker Bessarabier Mutual Aid Society, First Stanislauer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Suchostower Benevolent Association; First Suchostower Sick & Benevolent Association, First Suczawaer Sick and Benevolent Society, First Tarnower Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Tepliker Benevolent Congregation Society, First Tluster Brothers Benevolent Association, First Toporower Ladies Sick Benevolent Society, First Toporower Sick & Benevolent Society/Association, First Uhnower & Tartakower Sick Benevolent Association; First Uhnower & Tartakower Society, First Uscie Zielone Sick and Benevolent Association, First Uscieczker Sick & Benevolent Society. Verein. Lipner Young Men's Benevolent Society, Inc. Lodzer Ladies Branch 342B, Workmen's Circle; Lodzer Branch 242, Workmen's Circle. Independent Kamenetz Podolier Society, Inc. Max Rosh Beneficial Society of Harlem, Inc. Mazirer and Vicinity Relief Committee of Philadelphia and Ladies Auxiliary (with the United Brahiner Relief of Phil. . These relief packages were often partially or entirely paid for by the, This subseries contains mostly correspondence about contributions made by organizations, as well as about other relief efforts and the positive outcomes these efforts produced. Schloime Breslavsky), Shadover Relief Society of Greater New York, Sharograder Progressive Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Shater Progressive Relief Committee of Shater Progressive Benevolent Association, Shebezer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Shepetovker Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Sighet Fraternal Association and landsmanshaftn, Skalater Progressive Young Friends Benevolent Association, Smargoner Benevolent Society; Smargoner ladies Association, Sociedad de Residentes de Lodz en la Argentina (Society of Residents of Lodz in Argentina), Society Sons of Solomon Chevra Bnei Slomoh Anshei Sfard; Sons of Solomon Benevolent Association of, Sokolifker Benevolent Association (Philadelphia); and Sokolifker Ladies Auxiliary, Sokolover Young Friends Progressive Aid Society, Soroker Teleneshter Bessarabia S.B.A. A guide to YIVO's landsmanshaftn archive: From Alexandrov to Zyrardov, by Rosaline Schwartz and Susan Milamed. Friends of Alexandrovsk Benevolent Association, Inc. Galician Farband of America; United Galician Jews of America, Garsony Krakauer Sick Benevolent Society; Ida Garsony Sick Benevolent Society; Fannie Krakow Sick & Ben. Verein, Lomazer Young Men's and Women's Benevolent Association, Louis Levine/Royal Lodge No. YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. Independent Brodsky Benevolent Association, Inc. The Bronx Bakers Mutual Aid Association and the Brotherhood of Israel have copies of members' death certificates (sometimes for their wives also). It is the second biggest town in Bergstrae district in Hesse, Germany.Since 1994 it has also borne the title Brundtlandstadt, as it has been taking part in an energy conservation pilot project. Baryszer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Inc. Benevolent Association of the Elites, Inc. Berdichever Beneficial Association of Philadelphia, Berdichever Progressive Society (Detroit), Berezdiver-Woliner Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Bernard Goldstein Branch 350, Workmen's Circle, Bershader Progressive Association (Philadelphia). Verein, Congregation Sons of Abraham Anshei Brooklyn, Congregation Sons of Jacob Ticktiner Young Men, Congregation Taharas Hakoidesh Aid Society, Congregation Tiferes Beth Jacob - Ezras Israel Anshei Bronx, Congregation Tifereth Achim Anshe Dinaburg, Congregation Tifereth Joseph Anshei Przemysl, Constantiner Preiaslover Lodge 245 I.O.B.S; also Constantiner Priaslover Benevolent Association, Council of Fraternal and Benevolent Organizations for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, Crown of Israel Anshei Wiznitz (Atereth Israel Anshe Wiznitz). Each series consisted of general correspondence files and correspondence with landsmanshaftn the latter filed under the name of the locality to which it pertained. At this time, the JDC pledged to match with equal amounts of funds every donation made by each landsmanshaft to their former native communities, particularly those made on behalf of the interest-free loan associations (interest-free loan associations) in these communities. Some of the folders are labeled according to the name of the landsmanshaft, although they are represented by the town name in the container list, such as folder 824, listed as Satanow but labeled as Satanover Sisterhood Bronx, for Child Transportation to Palestine. Copyright 2015-2023 Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. WPA Yiddish Writer's Group Study (1938-39), The JGSNY Burial Society Database Project, Abraham Kadish, Shedlecer Branch 53, Workmen's Circle, Abrasha Blum Branch 679, Workmen's Circle, Adath Israel Anshei Ungarn, Inc. (Hungary), Adjutoral Bukarester Handwerker Congregation, Adler Young Men's Independent Association No. 1, Agudath Achim Aid Society aka Agudas Achim Aid Society, Ahavath Shulem Society (Spring Valley, NY), Alexander Harkavy Navaridker Relief Committee, Alliance of American Lithuanian Jews of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Inc, American Council for Warsaw Jews (American Council of Warsaw Jews), American Jewish Committee of Byelorussian Descent, Amschenover Independent Benevolent Society, Amstel Benevolent Association, Inc; formerly Axis Benevolent Society. Verein, Erster Boryslaver Drohobyczer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Erster Galizischer Kranken und Unt. Yivo Institute for Jewish Research. Verein, Erster Knihinin Stanislauer Kranken Unt. This series contains the pre-war records of the Landsmanshaftn Fraternal Division, mainly correspondence, memoranda, receipts and reports from interest-free loan associations, and newspaper clippings. Acquisition Method: Verein, Wishnewitzer Brothers Benevolent Society & Ladies Auxiliary, Wisoko-Litovsker Bruderlicker Unt. This subseries consists of information about the activities of the various JDC offices around the world and how these activities overlap and intersect with the activities of the LD, including, This subseries contains copies of office letters and replies to the, This subseries contains mostly correspondence between the LD and various landsmanshaftn about their native towns and any survivors there. Zinkowitzer and Kamenetz Podolier Society, Inc. Zitomirer Benevolent Association (Philadelphia). Bes Hamedrash Hagadol Agudas Achim Anshei Sfard of Coney Island, Inc. Bessarabian Federation of American Jews, Inc. Bessarabian Young Men's Benevolent & Educational Club. Verein; United Hungarian Shifre Stein Ladies, United Jewish Organizations (Fareynikte Yidishe Organizatsiyes), United Lutzker Men's & Women's Benevolent Society, United Moghilev Podolier and Otiker Relief, United Nashelsker Relief Society of Los Angeles, United Neustadter-Epstein Society of New York, United Pruziner and Vicinity Relief Committee, United Przemyslaner Matzoh and Talmud Torah Fund, United Radomer Relief for United States and Canada, United Relief Committee of Wisoke-Mazowietzk, United Rozaner Relief Committee of New York, United Stryjer Young Men's Benevolent Association, United Winnitzer Young Men Benevolent Association, Vladower Vladowker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Volkovinitzer-Podolier Benevolent Association (Philadelphia), Voronover Young Men's Benevolent Association, Warschauer Young Friends Benevolent Society of Brownsville, Warschauer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Warshawer Progressive Young Men's Branch 50, Welfare Liberty Fraternal & Benevolent Society, West Side Brotherly Love Congregation & Benevolent Society, Wiazener Benevolent Association; Wiazener Benevolent Society; Wiazener Young Men's Benevolent Assoc, Wilkemira Young Men's Benevolent Association, Winnitzer Ladies Auxiliary (Philadelphia), Wishkover Benevolent Society; Wishkover Benevolent Association; Wishkover Unt. Independent Meseritzer Young Men's Association, Independent Mogelnitzer Benevolent Society. Heart of Roumania Young Men's Benevolent Association, Inc. Henry Clay Lodge No. Log in first! Much of this information has to do with monetary requests made to important and influential members and to the landsmanshaftn as a whole, both from the LD and from the communities themselves, donations made, activities of the landsmanshaftn, financial statements from the interest-free loan associations, information about the communities and about the landsmanshaftn, lists of members of several, This series contains information about the post-war activities of the Landsmanshaftn Department, which was reestablished in 1945, on behalf of the various communities in Eastern Europe. Verein, Jewish American Workers Benevolent Society, Jewish Lithuanian Organization of America, Inc; and United Lithuanian Jews of America, Jewish Mayden Verein; Jewish Majdaner Verein. Despite the transitory nature of their existence in Italy, the DPs strove to safeguard their political rights and goals, and to maintain their communal identity through a network of vital organizations . Trisker Voliner Young Men's Benevolent Association. Verein, Independent Rabbi Mayer Przemyslaner Society, Independent Radiviler Voliner Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Rohatyner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Independent Rovner Beneficial Association Philadelphia, Independent Skierniewicer Benevolent Association. 17-Oct-99 BIK, 16-Feb-01, 22-May-01, 19-Jan-2012, 29-May-2012 WSB Edmond J. Safra Plaza | 36 Battery Place | New York, NY 10280 Association, First Krasner Sick and Benevolent Society, First Krasnystauer Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Krementchuger Benevolent Association, First Krilowiter Young Friends Progressive Benevolent Circle, First Krystonopoler Sick and Benevolent Society, First Lanowitzer Woliner Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Lesznower Sick and Benevolent Society Sons of Jacob Solomon, First Nadworna Sick Benevolent Association, First Nickolayever Sick and Benevolent Association, First Nova Ushitzer Benevolent Association, First Ostropolier Progressive Aid Association (Philadelphia), First Ostrower Sick and Benevolent Society, First Ostrowzer Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Ottynier Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Poltaver Brotherhood Aid Association, First Povolotcher Sick Benevolent Association, First Prailer Sick Benevolent Association, First Pressburger Sick and Benevolent Society, First Probuzna Sick and Benevolent Society, First Radymnoer Congregation Bnai Mordchai Menachem, First Roznow Galician Sick Benevolent Society, First Sadagurer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Shepetovker Young Men's Association, First Sokoroner Dr. Braunstein Progressive Society, First Solotwiner Sick & Benevolent Society, First Soroker Bessarabier Mutual Aid Society, First Stanislauer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Suchostower Benevolent Association; First Suchostower Sick & Benevolent Association, First Suczawaer Sick and Benevolent Society, First Tarnower Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Tepliker Benevolent Congregation Society, First Tluster Brothers Benevolent Association, First Toporower Ladies Sick Benevolent Society, First Toporower Sick & Benevolent Society/Association, First Uhnower & Tartakower Sick Benevolent Association; First Uhnower & Tartakower Society, First Uscie Zielone Sick and Benevolent Association, First Uscieczker Sick & Benevolent Society, First Ushitzer Podoler Benevolent Association, First Warkowicher Wolyner Benevolent Association, First Waroshilovker Benevolent Association, First Washkoutz Bucowinaer Sick and Benevolent Society, First Wielkie Oczer Sick Benevolent Society, First Yezierna Sick and Benevolent Association, First Zawichoster Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Zborower Sick and Benevolent Association, First Zloczower Sick & Benevolent Association, First Zlotnicker Sick& Benevolent Society, Friends of Alexandrovsk Benevolent Association, Galician Farband of America; United Galician Jews of America, Garsony Krakauer Sick Benevolent Society; Ida Garsony Sick Benevolent Society; Fannie Krakow Sick &, Gatherers of the Sound of the Love of Life Chevrah Kohl Ahavas Chaim, Glinianer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Gombiner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Goniondzer-Trestiner Young Friends; Goniondzer Relief Committee, Gottzolowai Benevolent Association; & Gotzilower Benevolent Society, Gross Moster Sick and Benevolent Association, Heart of Roumania Young Men's Benevolent Association, Horodischer Brothers Benevolent Association, Ida Garsony (Krakower) Sick & Benevolent Society, Igumener Independent Benevolent Association, Independent Berlader Benevolent Association, Independent Bialystoker Brotherly Love Association #1, Independent Bogopolier Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Borisover Benevolent Association, Independent Brodsky Benevolent Association, Independent Buczaczer Kranken Unt. 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